South Serves

Image result for habitat for humanityHey y'all!! This week I'm going be sharing how I get involve through community service in the Mobile area. South offers an awesome website called South Serves that allows you to find community services events that fit your interest. For example, if your going into the medical field the website will tailor your search results specifically for community service events within the medical field. I have had the opportunity to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity and the Ronald McDonald House. With the Habitat for Humanity I had to pleasure of helping repair a house for a family in need by, painting the walls and pulling old nails out of the window seal. With the Ronald McDonald House I was given the opportunity to prepare a meal for the families of ill children. All in all these were two awesome experiences and I highly encourage you to get involved within your community to help those in need and to improve your chances of success in your field!


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